
Monday 15 August 2016

An open letter to parents who don't allow their daughters to travel solo

Dear parents,

Today I want to openly convey my message to parents who deny their daughters to travel solo(due to some reasons).

I am no psychologist or any medical professional. I am a blogger, an amateur writer, who wants you all to hear out your daughters dreams and let her live that.

You send your daughter to a good school, a good college to get good education. Maybe your daughter is studying or may be she is already graduated or she isn't educated or she is a college dropout.
You thought that after getting education, she will get a good job or will set her own business and eventually will settle down and will have her own family.
But now that she's well educated she developed her own opinions, her own views about what she wants to become or what she wants to achieve. Now in her opinion getting settled isn't included. Oops! She's not going according to your plans. She is the Nomadic soul, wants to become the explorer. She wants to discover the undiscovered, what she really wants to do is that she wants to find herself.
So now because she didn't went on the path that you chose for her, you don't let her chase her dreams.
I know all your reasons for not letting her travel solo are legit, but are they really legit?
You would be scared to let your baby girl roam in the unknown streets of the cities, but for how long are you able to protect her. She will be always your baby girl, but you are aging. Someday you will have to let her go.
I live in India, where daughters still don't get freedom to make their own decisions. Now, if she is respecting you enough that she is considering your permission to let her live her dreams so importantly, then is it really okay to let her down. Is it ok to force your decisions on her. Actually, by denying her you are making her weak. Let her make her own choices and face the consequences of her choices. Let her deal with the reality of the world, let her tackle all obstacles by her own, let her learn to be strong.
Some parents also fear that once their daughter sets to voyage there is no coming back. Trust me, she will come back; infact she will come back with huge amount of respect for you and with a greater modesty.
In India parents often say that once you get married do whatever your in laws allow you to do. But why to depend her whole life on her in laws. Aren't you her parents? Isn't it your duty to support her dreams. Because of fear of society, will you ruin your daughters dreams?
Instead you should make your daughter so strong that no one stops her achieving her dreams not even her own insecurities.

So, on this independence day I would like to convey this message to all the parents that let her fly... She won't let you down. Help her achieving her dreams..

A daughter who wants to fly...

** There was no intention of offending parents. Many parents allow their daughter to travel solo.. so no offense ;-)